Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Save Teachers, Save the Future

With elections just three months away, political partisans are pulling out all the stunts. Democrats press Congress, summoned from their enjoyed August recession, to pass the latest jobs bill- a $26 billion plan said to save up to 300,000 teachers from layoffs. This afternoon, President Obama announced, "we can't stand by and do nothing while pink slips are given to the men and women who educate our children and keep our communities safe."

Both parties were reportedly pleased with the signing of the bill. Democrats now have bragging rights to an emergency legislation and Republicans now have more support that Democrats are driving the nation to financial devastation. In the one-day Washington session, Democrats expressed their concern for children returning back to the classrooms leaving behind a few teachers. Republicans on the other hand saw this as an example of government's wasteful spending. The viewpoint they do share is how this will be beneficial for the upcoming campaigns, just in opposite ways.

The funding for teachers is supposed to be taken care of mostly by closing a tax loophole used by multinational corporations and by reducing food stamp benefits for the poor. School districts are to be provided $10 billion to rehire laid-off teachers or to ensure that more teachers security in their jobs.

With the upcoming November elections, Democrats are grasping on to control of the House. The Food Stamps Slashed to Pay for Teacher Jobs Bill is a desperate attempt to revive voters. Education should always be one of the top priorities of a nation. It is what ensures success of the future and protects the virtue of adolescents. Federal budgeting should never have been allowed to harm this country's school districts. However, the financial situation of the United States is brutally strapping. It is a sticky situation and lay-offs are a harsh reality of our economic times. But it shouldn't be the teachers. We need those teachers more than ever to educate children to help guarantee their financial stability for their future, especially considering how valuable a solid education could be in today's economy.

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